Sunday, 1 July 2012

Love what Makes Your Heart Beat

(image source: @I_apple; featuring sonny the apple. From Francfranc World)

(image source: Cottongoesballistic via @joyfulneko on Instagram. Also from Francfranc World)

(image source:FrancFranc World @VivoCity)

(image source: Francfranc World at JCube)
As you know everything in this world is transient and you and me are just temporarily residing in this living space. So what makes your blood burn and your eyes sparkle? What hurried the beatings of your heart? What stops you in your footsteps and be still? If you are numb to these strong feelings, you are not breathing and living. You are not fulfilled and you are simply going through this passage of a tedious life without a purpose nor a cause.

A bed of roses is not being sought after by Cotton, instead she wants to taste all the sweetness, bitterness, sourness and the spiciness of what life offers. Life is to be celebrated. Come what may, as long as you are living and you know that your Creator is watching over you, you may jolly well live in his grace and his love.

This week, Cotton had her divine blessings~~~ this is not a joke, paycheck comes in and she is happy that she is another step closer to be a debt free person (*student loan...oh~ in case you may wonder, there is no such thing as free education here in Singapore. The reality is that you either have rich Dad and Mum to give you study aid or your grades are so grade that you garner a scholarship. Otherwise, mostly, we are debtors even before you get a proper paying job. Vulgaries of life, but this is what makes life interesting!) What honesty is there if this blog is not as close to the truth of how the blogger feel and experience? Hahaha~ one policy of mine : Stay clear of hypocrisy as much as possible. You do not want to be caught doing what you preach otherwise. 
Alrights! Back to blessings, she is blessed with wonderful sense of sight, touch, hearing, smell and taste. Cotton saw, gave and own some of the things you have seen in the pictures above. Love more weekends like this.

Special Note: Francfranc is a designer and retailer of home lifestyle products, offering rich, quality designs at reasonable prices. Our stores, located primarily in Japan and China, provide a remarkable and immersive customer experience inside a visually rich and delightful space.(excerpts from official homepage of FrancfrancWorld)  

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