Saturday 18 December 2010

Literary Digesting : Zadie Smith- Changing My Mind

Photo by me.
You know the imaginative "They" often tells you what you should and should not do? Well They say " Do not judge a book by its cover", in real terms, I am doing exactly that, so I chose this book among the sea of paperbacks and hardcovers at Kinokuniya(*a Japanese bookstore operator in Singapore).

So far, even though I am only on the first chapter, I am already amazed and deeply nailed into what Zadie Smith shares about her metamorphosis as an avid reader. She defines soulfulness in such an honest manner, you cannot help but bobbing your head in total agreement.

"First shade(* of black): soulfulness is sorrowful feeling transformed into something beautiful,creative and self-renewing, and-- as it reaches a pitch--ecstatic.It is an alchemy of pain."--ZADIE SMITH

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